04/16/21 Day Thirty - The Last Frickin' Season

And so, here we are at the last season. Woo. It’s been quite a ride. And Christopher’s dumb ass. (laughs) How can he not see that her sleeping with him was anything more than what it was? Dude, she showed up to your house all distraught and “I don’t wanna be alone” and you’re like, “Yay, sex = relationship!” What a maroon. Side note: “Oh, I’m just waiting for my panties to dry” is not a statement I thought I’d ever hear Sally Struthers say. Anyway, Luke shows up to the house all, "hold on a second! I wasn’t ready! You rushed me!" And Lorealai’s all, "you’re kidding, right? Boi, get out of my way so I can get to work." And when she was talking to Sookie, Lorelai said it, “He didn’t fight for me.” That’s real-real, y’all. She laid it all out and he didn’t jump. Yup. You blew that one Luke. Anyway, so, Rory is now Logan free...bets on how long it takes for her to Monkeybar to Jesse (or someone else). One episode? Maybe two? Let’s see! The whole Rory trying to figure ou...