05/11/21 Four Seasons in Hell - Winter

Okay, let’s blow through these last four episodes and never speak of this again. It’s Winter and Lorelai smells snow, I imagine because snow in purgatory smells a little like sulfur. Anyway, Rory’s home for a day and… Okay, wait, everybody being old is weird. It’s like watching totally different people dressed up like the characters. It's the jump from show to show, I think. A few zingers here and there - the whole town got Kirk a pig because there was a chance he might reproduce and he has a business called OOOOOOOOber and it appears nothing has changed in Stars Hollow. Rory has a boyfriend, Paul and no one remembers his name. Heh. He is really forgettable. I’m probably going to forget about him too by the end of this episode. She’s also stress tapping. The bit about everybody forgetting about Paul, though...okay, that’s pretty funny. But we address Richard’s death. Yes, King Richard of Gilmore has passed. A moment of silence, please. But yeah...we’re finally acknowledging that Mi...