04/12/21 Day Twenty-Six - Cuz I Ain't No Hollaback Girl

OMG...you guys...OMG… Sebastian Bach singing Hollaback Girl. I am deceased. (Yeah and the band’s back together and Lane’s engaged.) So, Lorelai Sr. is watching Christopher’s kid...who is a demon...and, like five all of a sudden. You know, the real test of whether or not you’re a good parent really does depend on how you handle a demon. At least, she calls Christopher on his bad-ass kid. Yes! Logan has girls falling out of the closet! God, finally! I was loving Logalai so much. It’s about time we find out he’s… Well, did we really “find out” he’s a manwhore? I mean, he did give her the program in the beginning of their relationship. It doesn’t really excuse it, but...I’m just saying I’m only surprised that Rory is so surprised. The only thing that bothers me is NOW Rory’s all “We should have talked about it! I thought we were on a break!” Yes, Rory, you definitely should have picked up the phone and talked to him about it way back when it happened. I m...