03/23/21 Day Sixteen - Liking bad boys is not a good thing

Welcome to another day in Purgatory! It occurs to me this morning that Lorelai Jr. likes assholes...because they're interesting. Like, I know that she and Dean aren't going to last. Knew that from jump, actually. It's very apparent that Dean and she are mismatched (a fact that would have played out better if they'd written it that way in the beginning instead of the "Ooh, shiny" thing they did when Jess came to town.) That being said, her eventual break up with Dean is fine. But I wish it wasn't going to be so much like her last breakup with Dean in that it's step one: Find worse guy ever, step two: dump the guy you're dating for him because the new guy's more interesting. So, what are we, three or four episodes from them officially getting together and as if on cue, Lorelai Jr. is very clearly going to end up with the school asshole. At least he's better written than Jess. So far anyway. I don't hate him. I might mess around and appr...