
Showing posts from May 13, 2021

03/23/21 Day Sixteen - Liking bad boys is not a good thing

Welcome to another day in Purgatory! It occurs to me this morning that Lorelai Jr. likes assholes...because they're interesting. Like, I know that she and Dean aren't going to last. Knew that from jump, actually. It's very apparent that Dean and she are mismatched (a fact that would have played out better if they'd written it that way in the beginning instead of the "Ooh, shiny" thing they did when Jess came to town.) That being said, her eventual break up with Dean is fine. But I wish it wasn't going to be so much like her last breakup with Dean in that it's step one: Find worse guy ever, step two: dump the guy you're dating for him because the new guy's more interesting. So, what are we, three or four episodes from them officially getting together and as if on cue, Lorelai Jr. is very clearly going to end up with the school asshole.  At least he's better written than Jess. So far anyway. I don't hate him.  I might mess around and appr...

03/22/21 Day Fifteen - Worst. Episode. Ever.

Found my least favorite episode!  The one where Jackson beats Taylor in the Town Jerkman race. I don't think I like anything about this episode. I mean, they butchered my second favorite karaoke song, even.  But the next episode where Luke snaps on Dean...weird, a bit hypocritical, but oddly satisfying. Not sure why.

03/19/21 Day Fourteen - Love with Jerks

  So... 1) Love Luke and Lorelai Sr. as a couple. 2) Wondering how long it'll be before Lorelai Jr. dumps Dean AGAIN for the worst possible guy she can find. (Just got to the part where she met the three jerks in school and got into with the worst one. 200 dollars says that's the next boyfriend.) 3) A town hall meeting to discuss Luke and Lorelai Sr.'s relationship just strengthens my "Stars Hollow is Purgatory" theory.

03/18/21 Day Thirteen - Lorelai Jr. Becomes a Woman

So... Just so I'm clear. I'm supposed to be mad that Lorelai Jr. had sex with Dean? At least I now have a headcanon of how Lorelai Jr. ended up in Purgatory.  Suicide. Over a boy. Clearly. I mean...all I'm saying is Hell is subjective. I'd hate to live in Stars Hollow. Ooh, maybe this whole thing is Jess's purgatory! That's why he hates literally EVERYBODY in Stars Hollow except the one soul who can't figure out how to do relationships.

03/15/21 Day Twelve - The Queen is Dead, long live the Queen

 J ust want to take a moment to mourn Queen Lorelai I of Gilmore.  Oh, when she found out about the letter Queen Lorelai wrote to Richard. OMFG.  I find myself saying this phrase a lot - "Can you imagine hating someone SO MUCH..."

03/11/21 Day Eleven - Tailgating at Yale

So today was the Yale game episode and 1) Richard's a fun drunk, I can dig it. 2) Lorelai Sr. really is an awful person BUT I like Digger and the way that whole date thing shook out.  I couldn't help thinking though "So the writers DO know how to write romantic wooing and playful banter and not make it weird and stalkery. Good for them!" 3) Oh, yeah, and Paris and the writer teacher guy making out. Heh. That was a nice twist.

03/10/21 Day Ten - Kirk's Other Job...

So. I'm sick as hell, but I wanted to reach out and tell you guys that I've reached the Sebastian Bach episode. (yay!) Oh, and by the way, exactly how long has Kirk been a serial killer and no one in town has noticed? Kind of stunned by the whole "I broke into your house to give you home security thing and that's perfectly non-threatening to a woman living alone" storyline. He's...scary. Kirk has bodies in his basement. I'm convinced there is fan fiction out there with Kirk secretly murdering those special guest stars that show up for one episode and we never see again.

03/03/21 Day Nine - Hot Take

Quick impression: "Hey, Jess!" "Yeah?" "Did you do that thing that happened?" "Pfft, I don't need this noise." (walks out)

02/26/21 Day Eight - Jess can suck an egg

Oh, I hate him, even more, this morning. But, the upside is that I actually enjoyed the last two episodes. The thanksgiving episode and that time that Jess said he didn't want to go to the Winter Festival until they bumped into Dean and his sister and he decided to TRASH HIS LITTLE SISTER. Tell me again why I'm supposed to like him? I mean, who does that? She's twelve! Hate Jess.  Jess is an infant. Hate him.

02/24/21 Day Seven - Nice Guys do not Finish Last

So... Season 3 and I've now graduated to hate watching this show.  First of all, who is the incel who came up with the whole "nice guys finish last" crap of a storyline that whole Lo Jr./Jess thing is? Nope. Not here for that. On the plus side, I'm liking the whole Lo Sr.'s dad wants Lo Jr to go to Yale thing.  That episode was delicious. I have hopes they will continue it, but I imagine they won't. (sad sigh) Oh, and Lo Jr. weirdly looks 30 in Seasons 3. Anybody notice that? It's weird.

02/06/21 Day Six -- My Cold Black Heart


02/03/21 - Day Five - God Save the Lorelai

So...reached the episode with great-gramma. Her name is clearly Queen Lorelai I. Lorelai Jr. broke up with Dean and I'm reserving my thoughts for now. I'm curious to see if that storyline goes any further.

02/01/21 - Day Four - Yes, Luke is a human being.

  By the way, since my morning was upside down from jump (Had to drop Evie off at  the airport early), I only have one comment about G-Girls. Lorelai: Luke had a GIRLFRIEND? Evie: Wow. She said that like "Luke is a human being that DATES?" He is SO deep in the friend zone. Me: Hardcore. Lorelai really don't see him. Evie: He's like an old coat to her. Note: Evie has watched two episodes in passing and she picked this up.

01/30/21 - Day Three: *Girlish Squeal*

So... this morning I reached the 9th and 10th episodes of G-girls and so far, Episode 9 is my favorite.  Impressions: *Teen girl voice* Dean is SO dreamy, OMFGLMAO. That fight between Lorelai Sr. and her mom, like, wow. Pendulum swung back in Lorelai Sr.'s corner. Silent Bob (Luke) is going to hook with Lorelai Sr., clearly and I approve. Oh!  And 4. Lorelai Sr.'s relationship with her mom. I get it. Both sides of it. And it's kind of heartbreaking when you think about it.

01/26/21 - Day Two...Okay...I'm interested

By the way, Gilmore Girls has my interest. So far, Whether or not I like Lorelai Sr. has become a hot/cold thing. I've liked/disliked her in the same episode now. Loved Episode three though.  The relationship between the grandad and Lorelai Jr. reminds me of me and my grandad's relationship when I was a kid. Love Lorelai Jr. (That's her name now. You can't convince me otherwise) I want to punch that Paris chick in her throat.

01/25/21 - Day Damn One, Vivian. Day Damn One.

Jane the Virgin is complete. I laughed and bawled during the last episode. Intensely fabulous show.  This morning I started Gilmore Girls and I have thoughts:  1. Has Jared Padalecki ALWAYS had that voice? Like was he born sounding 40? It's weird and disorienting.  2. This show is very white privilege-y...but I don't hate it so far.  3. Not sure I like the Lorelais and their relationship, but it's starting to grow on me.   4. What is with all the coffee? I'm getting hyper-watching this thing.  Overall, I'm not hooked, but I'm willing to watch episode three, so that's progress. And I like the grandmother. I don't know why. I know I shouldn't, but I do. It's weird.