04/22/21 Day Thirty-Five - Heartbreak in Purgatory

Okay, so Chriselai… They tell Rory and it goes exactly like we expected. Lorelai Jr.: “We’re married!” Rory: “TF?” Meanwhile, in Logalai-land, Logan makes a surprise visit and lets Rory know he’s moving an hour away...and he doesn’t offer to move her there because why? Yale. See, she’ll be out in six months. Anyway, he takes her to a company party and gets the chance to write an article about the party for an important guy. She writes the article and Logan clearly gets a bug up his ass about it because he pulls the whole, “HOW DARE YOU LOOK DOWN ON THE ELITE!” I mean...he’s not entirely wrong? She is one of them, but whatever. Meanwhile, with Chriselai, Chris is moving right in. “Let’s get a flat screen! Let’s turn Rory’s room into Gigi’s room!” And Lorelai Jr. is all, “Hold up! Rory’s pissed at me.” And he’s all, “WTF? I’M HER FATHER! ” So, what do you think? Two more episodes until an annulment? Maybe three? Side Note: Luke has the sex talk with April using w...