04/26/21 Day Thirty-Seven - Don't Marry Man-Children

So, Rory just got back from London for Christmas and the Chriselai family is celebrating Christmas after Christmas, blah, blah, blah. Anyway, Luke needs a character reference letter and Lorelai is all “ IDON’TKNOWWHATTOWRITEDON’TTELLCHRISTOPHER ”. You know. Because Christopher is a toddler. And by the way, the way Lorelai is acting...why does it remind me of an abused wife? She’s all, “I just don’t want to upset him anymore” and I’m like, “ Girl, he is upsetting himself !” So, anyway, of course, Christopher finds out and behaves exactly like we all expect him to. Like a huge insecure brat. And listen, don’t y’all at me about that. That letter was beautiful, yeah, but it wasn’t a profession of love. It was a glowing character reference. Christopher’s all “iT’s A lOvE lEtTeR.” I swear I’ve never seen such a skillful self-sabotage in my life. She said to him, “I CHOSE YOU STUPID!” and he’s still like, “I’m nobody’s second fiddle!” I mean, I don’t ship Chriselai. Totally rooting...