04/17/21 Day Thirty One - The Best Part of the Episode Happens in the First Ten Minutes...

Okaayyy, so Lorelai has told Luke that she slept with Christopher. I think my favorite thing so far in this show is the fact that he immediately left her house and went to Christopher’s apartment and punched him in the face. Heh. But now, he’s putting the failure of their relationship on her, which is one of the many reasons he’s probably in purgatory. “wEll yOu’Re tHe oNe sTiLL hUnG uP oN hIm!” Nice, Luke. So, Kirk after learning from his mentor Taylor about how to torture the residents of Stars Hollow, opens his own outdoor diner across the street from Luke’s...after running a car through the diner. And Lane comes back from her honeymoon, she hates sex, and she’s pregnant. Knew it from the moment saltines was mentioned. But Lane thinks sex is “bad for a woman” now because it was bad her first time. She actually thinks everyone has lied to her about it except her mother. Did I know she was this dumb? Not gonna shame her for considering an abortion, except...