
Showing posts from May 16, 2021

04/01/2021 Day Twenty - Rosie O'Donnell does what now??

  Hey, so, real quick: Lorelai said, "Rosie O'Donnell plays a retarded woman" and my brain actually shut down for a second. Also, there was this: Oh, this show...

03/29/21 Day Nineteen - Clutch The Pearls, Rory's dating!

Okay, buckle your seatbelts. I watched four in a row this weekend. Okay. Lukelai is back on thanks to Emily...which… All I have to say is this - Emily isn’t to blame for them breaking up. Like, sure she’s the catalyst, but, real talk, Lorelai did that shit herself. If she had actually given Luke a second to breathe, everything actually would have worked out on its own. But that being said, Emily and Richard are out of their damned minds. Emily had that smoke coming. And Lorelai Jr.! (laughs in 1955) She sees Logan is dating other people, goes on a date with Robert because, you know, dating. That’s what people do. They date. It’s normal. Except everybody’s like WTH IS RORY DOING??? The only real annoying thing is Lorelai Jr. is now playing from a different playbook than Logan. She’s all - Hah, I’ll make him jealous! And he is jealous...because he’s clearly not the most well-adjusted fellow in the world, not because he wants to settle down. I thought that girl was smart. And then I watch...

03/27/21 Day Eighteen - Lukelai Goes Ka-blooey

  Okay. Just did the Lukelai blow up at Emily and Richard's wedding. Heh. The Lorelai's are terrible people. So, the blow-up happens (which was entertaining) and Luke says give me some time to process the fact that you say there's nothing between you and Christopher, but then, why didn't you tell me you hung out those times if it's not a big deal. Lorelai Sr. instead of respecting his boundaries and giving him a second, word vomits all over him publicly and surprise, surprise, he pushes her away. But... Once again, this show has me feeling bad for Lorelai Sr. That phone call to him with her saying "I just need my best friend". And he came running because well, he might very well be the only decent person in Purgatory. There goes my cold black heart again. And Lorelai Jr.  OMFG. The boy tells her that he doesn't do the commitment thing. They make out and she's watching her phone like "WHY DOESN'T HE CALL ME???"  And then acting all lik...

03/25/21 Day Seventeen - Okay, so I like Logan. Sue me!

So, wow, they really are writing Logan really well. He saves her at Emily and Richard's meat-markety slave auction thing. She ends up having a legit good time. Wow.  Why didn't they write Jess like this? Like...when the inevitable roofie/gang rape/let's try crack heroin cuz it'll be a fun thing or whatever happens with Logan, I'm really going to be heartbroken because they made the effort of humanizing the guy. At this moment, I actually like him. I would have liked to have had a chance to like Jess. Kind of upset at that.