03/29/21 Day Nineteen - Clutch The Pearls, Rory's dating!

Okay, buckle your seatbelts. I watched four in a row this weekend.

Okay. Lukelai is back on thanks to Emily...which…

All I have to say is this - Emily isn’t to blame for them breaking up. Like, sure she’s the catalyst, but, real talk, Lorelai did that shit herself. If she had actually given Luke a second to breathe, everything actually would have worked out on its own.

But that being said, Emily and Richard are out of their damned minds. Emily had that smoke coming.

And Lorelai Jr.! (laughs in 1955)

She sees Logan is dating other people, goes on a date with Robert because, you know, dating. That’s what people do. They date. It’s normal.

Except everybody’s like WTH IS RORY DOING???

The only real annoying thing is Lorelai Jr. is now playing from a different playbook than Logan. She’s all - Hah, I’ll make him jealous! And he is jealous...because he’s clearly not the most well-adjusted fellow in the world, not because he wants to settle down.

I thought that girl was smart.

And then I watched the next couple of episodes and Lorelai Jr. gets drunk and ends up crying on the floor all "why doesn’t he like me??" I ask the writers, am I supposed to feel sorry for this girl cuz...I don’t.


And then, she has a rational moment and tells him, Yeah, this isn’t me bro and he flips out. Why? Because he ain’t wrapped too tight. I’m watching this whole Logan “Don’t dump me” scene and thinking GIRL RUN!

But if we learned anything from the whole Jesse/Dean love triangle thing, Lorelai Jr. seems to like textbook terrible guys, so, yeah.

You guys ever see that old Martin Lawrence movie, “A Thin Line Between Love and Hate”? A reader’s digest version goes something like, Boy meets girl. Girl tells boy, don’t mess with me, I’m not right in the head. Boy messes with girl. Girl literally almost murders boy.

I feel like that’s where we’re going with the whole Logalai Jr. thing.

BTW, we need to pitch a Tarantino costume party, ASAP.


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