04/26/21 Day Thirty-Seven - Don't Marry Man-Children

So, Rory just got back from London for Christmas and the Chriselai family is celebrating Christmas after Christmas, blah, blah, blah.

Anyway, Luke needs a character reference letter and Lorelai is all “IDON’TKNOWWHATTOWRITEDON’TTELLCHRISTOPHER”. You know. Because Christopher is a toddler.

And by the way, the way Lorelai is acting...why does it remind me of an abused wife? She’s all, “I just don’t want to upset him anymore” and I’m like, “Girl, he is upsetting himself!”

So, anyway, of course, Christopher finds out and behaves exactly like we all expect him to. Like a huge insecure brat.

And listen, don’t y’all at me about that. That letter was beautiful, yeah, but it wasn’t a profession of love. It was a glowing character reference.  Christopher’s all “iT’s A lOvE lEtTeR.”  I swear I’ve never seen such a skillful self-sabotage in my life. She said to him, “I CHOSE YOU STUPID!” and he’s still like, “I’m nobody’s second fiddle!”

I mean, I don’t ship Chriselai. Totally rooting for them to break up, but, real talk, Chris messed that up all on his own.

At least Luke won his court case and thanked her for the totally appropriate letter she wrote.

Side note: Lane’s nine months pregnant, like, a month later because she’s a Sim...and she’s angry that she had the nerve to get pregnant. Lane really does need therapy, tho.

Okay, so Sookie and Jackson are having issues...because Jackson didn’t want to get a vasectomy...and didn’t tell his wife and now she’s pregnant. Wow.

Girl, you know, that’s grounds for divorce. Like, no mediation, no trial separation, D-I-V-O-R-C-E. Kinda pissed at that storyline. I mean, writers, that’s not a cute, quirky story. That’s the beginning of a Snapped episode.

Oh, oh, and Lucy forgave Rory. Okay, whatever. That whole thing was dumb as hell. I only mention it to commend Lucy for telling Rory is not her fault and she broke up with Marty and OMG, WHY IS RORY SORRY ABOUT THAT THE GUY IS A WEIRDO!


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