01/25/21 - Day Damn One, Vivian. Day Damn One.

Jane the Virgin is complete. I laughed and bawled during the last episode. Intensely fabulous show. 

This morning I started Gilmore Girls and I have thoughts: 

1. Has Jared Padalecki ALWAYS had that voice? Like was he born sounding 40? It's weird and disorienting. 

2. This show is very white privilege-y...but I don't hate it so far. 

3. Not sure I like the Lorelais and their relationship, but it's starting to grow on me.


4. What is with all the coffee? I'm getting hyper-watching this thing. 

Overall, I'm not hooked, but I'm willing to watch episode three, so that's progress. And I like the grandmother. I don't know why. I know I shouldn't, but I do. It's weird.


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