04/12/21 Day Twenty-Six - Cuz I Ain't No Hollaback Girl

OMG...you guys...OMG…

Sebastian Bach singing Hollaback Girl. I am deceased.
(Yeah and the band’s back together and Lane’s engaged.)

So, Lorelai Sr. is watching Christopher’s kid...who is a demon...and, like five all of a sudden. You know, the real test of whether or not you’re a good parent really does depend on how you handle a demon.  At least, she calls Christopher on his bad-ass kid.

Yes!  Logan has girls falling out of the closet!  God, finally!  I was loving Logalai so much.  It’s about time we find out he’s…

Well, did we really “find out” he’s a manwhore?  I mean, he did give her the program in the beginning of their relationship. It doesn’t really excuse it, but...I’m just saying I’m only surprised that Rory is so surprised. The only thing that bothers me is NOW Rory’s all “We should have talked about it! I thought we were on a break!”

Yes, Rory, you definitely should have picked up the phone and talked to him about it way back when it happened. I mean, he still might’ve slept with all his sister’s friends, but at least you wouldn’t be all shocked, now. Hell, you might even be like, “I mean, we were broken up at the time, so”

There’s a phrase for this. “The bullet you bite from the pain you request.”

So, Rory moves back in with Paris and WHY IS RORY APOLOGIZING FOR GETTING THE EDITOR JOB??? She’s feeding into Paris’ psychosis!

Side note: Michel has a post-it note system. (snicker) I feel so close to him right now.

Anyway Logalai. He goes over to Paris’ house and pleads his case and it’s a good case! Like:
I mean, on his side of things they were broken up. (Because Rory didn’t call him on that bull after talking to his sister as she should have) He did what cads do when their hearts are broken. They sleep with their sister’s friends, naturally.

(And, yo, he even brought up doing a Pro/con list, guys! A PRO/CON LIST. What guy does that? Seriously?)

I’m just saying, I just never agreed with societal norms that suggest that you’re supposed to be celibate for ten years or whatever after you break up with somebody. Look, some of us need space after a breakup and some of us need to hump something to get over a breakup and there’s nothing wrong with that. What’s the old saying? “The fastest way to get over one woman/man is to get under another one?”

But hey, whatever. Now we’re entering the “Let’s silently torture Logan” part of the storyline because Rory can’t just accept that Logan sleeping with other people (broken up or not) is a dealbreaker for her. Should be interesting.

Can we talk about the parents visiting Lorelai and just walking all over the house criticizing her house? God, they are so...them.

Emily: “I didn’t know you were painting?”
Lorelai Sr.: “Yeah.”
Emily: “It must be so nice not to have a Homeowner’s association.”

Giiirrrlll, the SHADE of it all!

Oh, yeah, real-time reaction to them going to see a movie after the parents leave: “...hold up...are they talking about Final Destination 3??  OMG, they are. Heh.”

And they’re ragging on it. I guess I deserve that. I mean, I have been ragging on Gilmore Girls for a few months now.

Side note: Kirk trying to snag victims with the whole realty thing...smh. 

But hey! We find out the Gilmores are moving to Stars Hollow! *Laughs and laughs*

But oh, the bag from April’s mom comes and I can see we’re FINALLY approaching how pissed Lorelai is about that whole situation. God, that took long enough. Like, the bag arrived from Anna and Lorelai’s all: “But I was going to buy you a bag” with a tight smile. And Luke’s like, “I can send it back” and I’m like, “GIRL TELL HIM TO SEND IT BACK!”

Oh, deary, deary me. The drama. 


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