05/14/21 Have a Nice Trip, See You Next Fall

 So, it’s fall and Lorelai’s “doing Wild” and it’s just as stupid as you think it is.  

Yeah...you know, "Wild"? Like the 2014 movie with Reese Witherspoon? It's a trend or something in Purgatory. Please don't ask me to explain it.

Anyway, Rory starts seeing weird stuff around town and it turns out that the Life and Death Brigade are back!  Logan and his buds come through and they have a pretty awesome night that even this old curmudgeon thought was pretty cool.

I mean, really.  I was very entertained.

Side note: Luke now thinks Lorelai left to find herself and she could leave him because that makes sense. Hello, insecurity!

Anyway, after the night of debauchery, Rory decides that the fun is over. It was very Wendy and Lost Boys. It was adorable.

So, Rory signs off with Logan. Finally. It’s a good breakup. As hardcore Logalai as I am, this is a breakup that makes sense, mostly, so I have no objections.

Meanwhile, Lorelai never actually goes hiking because she's Lorelai in all her Lorelai-ness and it was a stupid idea in the first place. But…

The part when she remembers a really awesome time with her dad and calls her mom. No snarky comment there.  It was an amazing moment. 

She comes home and Luke goes all “DON’T LEAVE ME YOU COMPLETE ME” and Lorelai’s like, “Boi, you had me at hello.”  They’re getting married...and I have happiness.

Emily goes to Nantucket and leaves the house for Rory to write her story in. She walks through the house filled with memories and starts writing.mAnd when she’s done, Rory brings the first three chapters to her mom...and it’s all good.

Aaaannnyway, Emily...Emily suddenly needs more in her life than DAR meetings. (Her going off on the DAR girls...that was pretty awesome). Anyway, she gets herself kicked out, which is fine. She’s over it. She even gets to say "bullshit" which I never believed she would say network television show or not.

Wedding planning, Luke knows Keifer Sutherland, blah, blah, blah…Let's just fast forward through that.

Rory goes to see her dad. She tells him that Lorelai is getting married, she tells him about the book (he’s cool with it), and she starts asking him questions about why he wasn’t there when she was growing up. He gives her a lot of meh, Lorelai does what she wants, blah, blah, it was meant to be, blah blah.  Very fruitless and gaslighty. But, it's Christopher, so...

Emily is selling the house and moving to Nantucket. Yay. Lorelai gets a loan to expand the inn to keep Michel, but hold everything!  Dean (who's now full-on Supernatural) runs into Rory in the supermarket.  (Ayyyeee)

But wait, there’s more!!!!  SOOKIE’S BACK!!!!!!! 

She’s taking a break from making movies and decided to come back to make her cake.  Woo hoo.  She makes a ton of beautiful cakes and also the ugliest sheet cake I’ve ever seen and of course, that’s the cake Lorelai will choose because MEMORIES.

Sookie figures out that she let famous chefs into her kitchen by smell and we all laugh and laugh.

So, the show wraps up with Emily getting a job with the whale museum in Nantucket, Jess makes a “Right said Fred” joke (oh, you old writers), Lorelai’s cool with the book, Lukelai becomes official...

Yeah, so, Lorelai and Luke get married the night before the big wedding to take the pressure off...and it’s really sweet. I mean, town's gonna be mad, but, really anytime you can piss off the Purgatory demons is a good time.  :)

Oh. And Rory’s preggers. And that’s how we end it.

Since I wrote this, I read up on that ending and all you guys' conspiracy theories and, fun fact! Amy Sherman-Palladino - the main creative force behind this show, said that Rory telling her mom that she's pregnant was how the show was going to end, whenever it ended and as a writer, I can dig that.

And so, thus ends this limited edition blog. Will I write another one on a show that worked my nerves? Probably not, but if I do, I'll let y'all know.

In the meantime, scoot over to my horror blog where I review horror movies from time to time. Otherwise, I'll see you guys on the interwebs!

O~ *


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