05/09/21 Forty-Five - Do You Have Any Idea What Kind of Nightmare it Would Be to Plan a REENACTMENT of a GRADUATION???
TWO MORE EPISODES TO GO! I’m all atwitter.
So, the aftermath of Lorelai singing to Luke. (laughs)
The whole town is into it and then Lorelai accidentally hurts Luke’s feeling by saying it didn’t mean anything in front of Ms. Pattie and Babette.
OMG, and everyone in Stars Hollow is upset because they can’t go to Rory’s graduation because no college in the world will allow you to bring fifty-two people to a graduation. So, what do they decide to do? A Reenactment. Not a graduation party, a gall darn REENACTMENT. Score one for the purgatory demons.
Lorelai and Chris are talking again because how can the plot happen otherwise and he’s all butt hurt because Logan didn’t ask him for Rory's hand in marriage. I swear I can’t stand him.
Side note: Richard and Emily singing at Rory’s graduation is as stiff and cheesy as expected...but it was adorable. I’m not mad at it.
And Kirk’s in a box. Yup.
Anyway, Logalai, which has managed to make it this far, shock of shocks. Logan makes a grand gesture by proposing to Rory in front of her mother, father, grandparents and Jesus and Rory flakes...because when has she ever been able to not flake? She wouldn’t be in purgatory if she could just go, “Yes Logan! I love you!” or “OMG, are you crazy, no!”
(BTW, she calls her mom to talk about it, Lorelai asks Chris if he wants to come, he says no. Two scenes ago he was like “Waaaah, I wanna be involved!”)

Everybody talking about how young she is...she’s 22, not 17. That’s not all that young, actually. How old do the writers think you have to be to get married? 30?
Wait, wait...they keep calling it a diploma. Why? No one has called it a degree in this whole thing. Isn’t that weird? It’s pretty weird. I mean, the writers do know this isn’t high school…?
And the graduation. (Paris’ middle name is Eustace. Heh) Emily is bitching the whole time about not knowing if Rory is going to accept Logan’s proposal and Lorelai is bitching about Reenactment stuff. You know, same old, same old.

And then the other shoe drops. Rory rejects Logan’s proposal and I don’t even know why? She said there are things undecided in her life and she seems to think that marrying Logan would close her options which…
There is no evidence that that is the case. Logan never asked her to give up an iota of who she is or what she wanted to do. In fact, he’s gone as far as to research the things that would keep her career options open in San Francisco. And, I might add, he’s been pretty chill about all her wackadoo tendencies. If she was going to marry anybody, he actually would have been a perfect choice just for that reason.
All I'm saying is that if it was Jess or Dean asking, saying no would have made sense. It doesn’t make sense with Logan, really.
But, whatever. Logalai is no more. It was a good run.
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