04/06/21 Day Twenty-Two - Jumpin' the shark

 Onward and upward.  :D

So, we’ve finally reached the jump-the-shark episode. (Checks watch) Yeah, that’s about accurate. 

Rory comes home (Yay!) Luke finds out he has a kid out of the blue (Hence, the ‘add a kid’ trope).  So, this is how Lukelai breaks up, I’m guessing. Or at least this stops the wedding that we all knew wasn’t going to happen. Oh, the drama.

Side note: Luke’s sister calling him “Yakov”. Like...I’m old as hell and I literally have not thought about Yakov Smirnoff since I was, maybe eleven or twelve years old. Wow, writers. I mean, you know there are about a dozen corny comedians between Yakov Smirnoff and Jeff Dunham that were way more popular. I mean, were Gallagher or Carrot Top too obscure? For those of us who know it, do we get a secret prize?

Anyway, so I appreciate the simmering pot of things that are about to explode in the next few episodes. Christopher paying for Yale, Emily and Richard losing their minds because Rory got some audacity, Luke and his secret kid. Oh, we shall be entertained.

And how I laughed at the “Ross and Rachel were on a break” revelation between Rory and Logan. (snort) 

(No, I haven’t seen “Friends, but I’ve seen enough “Friends” episode chunks to know that joke.)

I’m really disappointed that he’s not a serial killer or at least the guy who had girls spilling out of his closet every episode so Rory could be all like, “WhydoeshekeepdoingthisOMFGIlovehimsomuchwhydoesntheloveme.” That would have been nice. At least I would have hated him more than Jess. Who I still hate. Because he sucks. Still.


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