04/07/21 Day Twenty-Three - WE WERE ON A BREAK!


OMG, the Logalai thing is still going on. Oooh, is he going to give her a stern talking to?  (clutches pearls) The very nerve of him. He’s such a bad boyfriend.

That was sarcasm if you couldn’t tell.

And wait, wait...did Paris just use the term “Ghetto ears” while describing the difference between gunshots and a car backfiring?  I’d like to be insulted, but, I, myself happen to have “Ghetto ears” so…

Anyway, Logalai. Y’all know Logan isn’t the bad guy here...right? He needed a minute. And instead of confronting him right off and working it out with him, she took his sister at her word. She’s all WHY DIDN’T HE CALL ME?  I’m like, Girl, WHY TF DIDN’T YOU CALL HIM??

All I’m saying is that I’ll be damned if somebody ELSE is going to tell me I’m broken up with my girlfriend.

Well...at least she’s getting therapy. I think. Shoot. They're never coming back to that, are they? They had that whole "OMG, therapy is the devil!" thing. What a missed opportunity to promote mental health on a show where almost all the characters need it.

Lane (sigh). So her band broke up and now she’s turning into her mother. Kind of interested. Zach is an insane person. That whole band break-up thing was pretty funny, btw. Ah, well, I wish I cared more.

But the best thing, Lorelai Sr. getting crazy because things are actually working out with the wedding planning and she’s all afraid she’s going to screw things up. Luke’s all “hold my beer”. Then goes all I WANT TO KNOW MY OWN DAUGHTER! Dude, you haven’t even told Lorelai Sr. about ANY of this, yet and this, like, episode two on this topic. You know that’s not okay, right?

And then he’s like, Let’s postpone the wedding!  Here we go, folks. Beginning of the end.

Ah, well, it’s too bad. I would have loved to have seen a wedding. But hey, at least we get to see Sherilyn Fenn again. YAY!

Oh, the parade of awful people goes on.


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