04/09/21 Day Twenty-Five - Waiting for the Shoe to Drop

Hi Guys.  Having a good morning?  I'm on my second cup of coffee. I'm turning into a Lorelai.  Help!

Can we talk for a second about Paris finally cracking? I mean, I knew it would happen. I just didn’t think it’d begin with her in a cubicle bunker...or this soon for that matter. IF I watch the reunion show, I expect her to be in an institution after that incident where she climbed a water tower one fateful fall day on campus.

Ugh. This show is making me talk like them now.

Side note: Michel loves Lorelai. <3  His missing their coffee dates was sweet. Zydeco band, no. Did the writers watch that one scene in Steel Magnolias and say “Hey!  That’s what Zydeco sounds like!”  

Ooooh, and Rory moved in with Logan and OMG, Logan and Christopher are the same damned person. Why didn’t I see it before now?? I can’t get over how Freudian Rory’s romantic choices are. The only difference is that Logan appears to be slightly more responsible than Christopher which is really messed up when you think about it.


And the dinner with Lukelai and Emily and Richard, that was unexpected. Scaring them with insurance and fake paternity tests. That was actually almost loving.

And then, the Valentine’s day episode. Lukelai and Logalai at Martha’s Vineyard. 

Side note: Lorelai reading the bio on Martha’s vineyard and “Indians” and making fun of Gay Head Island with a “Ferry”.  (sigh) Jokes from 1985 are great.

Anyway, Luke, Luke, Luke...sigh. He’s what we call “Funny acting” in my family. No one wants to be the Funny acting guy at the cookout. Everybody will talk about you behind your back and you will not get invited back. But hey, he and Lorelai kind of came together in the end. Still waiting for the other shoe to drop though.

So, then the party’s over when Mitch Huntzberger shows up. Oh, my heart. How horrible. And things were going so well...

And of course, Emily and Richard put an announcement in the paper. Is anyone surprised? I’m not.


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