04/13/21 Day Twenty Seven - Lane's Big Fat Korean Wedding

So, Rory torturing Logan is a lesson, folks. One that I, myself, had to learn in therapy.

Forgiveness means forgiveness means forgiveness. If you’re done wrong and you can’t forgive your mate, then you need to figure that crap out or kick rocks. Contrary to what they say on Love and Hip Hop, you don’t get to torture your mate if they mess up. Hate to say it, but, I’m in Logan’s camp there.  Good on him for calling Rory on that bull, because it is bull.

That’s okay, though, because Monkeybar Rory is already on to the next one...or the first one. As if on cue, Jess comes back into the picture. And he’s a hipster with a bad haircut. Yay.

I mean...at least when Luke introduced him to his cousin, he didn’t immediately treat her like crap on sight. Ooh, growth.

Fine, fine, Jess is a different person now. I’m still giving him the side-eye. As much as I loathe Jess, I think I might hate Rory more at this point. She really is a terrible person. Instead of being real with Logan and either working it out or breaking up with him, she makes out with her ex cuz, you know, he wrote a book so, of course.

“I cAn’T eVeN cHeAt oN hIm LiKe hE cHeAtEd oN mE.”  Girl, y’all were on a break.

Emily and Richard visiting Stars Hollow and THANK YOU EMILY for telling Lorelai she needs to quit playing with Luke on the April thing. Emily might be insane, but at least she’s honest.

Hold up, wait a second...Lane’s getting married ALREADY?!?!  The hell? They just got engaged last episode. What is time in this show?

Anyway, Lorelai Sr. can’t go to the wedding without a date. Christopher to the rescue! And Mrs. Kim’s mother is meaner than Mrs. Kim...and apparently racist. She’s supposed to be Buddhist, though? Why is she so...bible thumpy? Sorry, thinking too much again.

But heh, they had to have two weddings. And her mom talks to her before the wedding. She goes all Carrie’s mom like, “I shouldn’t have let him put it in me, but ah was weak!” Lane is so lucky her mother didn’t put her in a closet for misbehaving.

And Christopher’s all “Rory could be next.”  Not bloody likely, Chris.

I loved the reception though...even though...Blondie? The Monkees? Okay, whatever. The writers are old.

(Hot take from Kirk, “Is the Bartender yummy enough?” Got a feeling he’s not asking if the bartender’s hot.)

And Lorelai Sr. is drunk as hell and gives a speech. That can’t go bad...right? And it all came spilling out on stage. I knew she was going to be like “I don’t want to get married”, I just didn’t think it would be so public.


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