04/14/21 Day Twenty-Eight - What Happens When You Play Stupid Games?

Yooo...Luke told Lorelai he didn’t want her to meet April because she’ll like her better like that crap made sense.

Then he threw April the party without Lorelai and decided to be himself. (laughs) He’s an idiot. And Lorelai Sr.’s a good one. If he’d have called me, I’d have been like, “Sorry. At work. Call Later.”

And before you’re like, OMG LUKE WAS RIGHT. Dude...they’re a couple, not spoiled rich siblings.

Anyway, so, April’s mom goes off on him because he let Lorelai help. Unreasonable on the surface, BUT…
As a parent, I’m not totally mad at it. Let's be clear. Luke. Did not. Introduce. His Fiance. To Her. This woman is going to be in his life permanently. At the heart of it, I get that. I’m the mother. I need to know who this chick is before sleepovers happen.

So, Lorelai takes it upon herself to introduce herself to her and then we see that April’s mom is...well, really misguided. She wants to wait until they’re married before she meets April properly. That’s...no. That’s how evil stepmother plots begin. I mean, I don’t believe they’re getting married anyway, but yeah.

Luke should have introduced Lorelai to the both of them and put his foot down with a “She’s in my life, deal with it” speech. But if he was capable of that, he wouldn’t be in purgatory.

And Logalai...

So, Logan almost kills himself in Costa Rica or wherever and now Rory’s all “You almost died now I forgive you!” I had a whole thing ragging on her, but then OMGOMG, MITCH HUNTZBERGER’S SON ALMOST DIES AND HE DOESN’T COME TO THE HOSPITAL! WHAT KIND OF MONSTERS RAISED THIS POOR KID? And Rory calls him and tells him off. Good girl.

Side note: Purgatory demons planted a field of weed in Jackson’s field and Luke’s crazy sister is preggers and kicks out her husband because of course, she did.

So, anyway, Emily has lasix. Quick impression:

Emily: I need your help

Lorelai Sr.: Okay. Here’s my help.


Lorelai Sr.: (hard sigh) Okay, here’s my help your way.

Emily: You’re not doing it right! By the way, what’s up with Christopher? 

Lorelai Sr.: No.
Emily: Oh, yeah, I’m buying you a house.

Lorelai Sr.: Wut?

And then, and THEN, she says it outloud and sober as a judge. “The wedding’s not gonna happen.” THERE it is. Happened almost exactly like I predicted.

Next prediction. The whole next episode is going to be her avoiding Luke. 


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