04/15/21 Day Twenty-Nine - Breaking up the Gilmore Way

So, Season finale, Lorelai’s in mourning for the breakup of her relationship that she hasn’t told Luke about, Logalai is graduating, and Taylor used the word “chicanery” in a sentence. Let’s dive in.

You know if nothing else, GG is a step-by-step lesson in how NOT to break up with someone.

Okay, so, Rory having it out with Daddy Huntzberger on the elevator. God, Rory is such a child.
Rory: “wHy ArE YoU tRyInG tO bReAk uS uP??”
Mitch: “Chick, I ain’t thinking about you!”

Once again the ass that is Mitch Huntzenberger is right. While I don’t agree with the method, Logan does need a kick in the ass to grow up.

And the party...Logan gives her a straight-up cry for help. Tell me not to go. Translation: “I don’t want to do this, but I’m not strong enough to say no. HELP ME.” She doesn’t hear him because, well, Mitch said what he said.

Then he leaves. IDC what y’all say, that goodbye was heartbreaking. RIP Logalai.

Anyway, though... 

Dinner with the Gilmores. Wasn’t that a thing? Emily and Richard invite Christopher and a random chick to set him up. I mean...she’s pretty nice and smart and not weird…

And anyway, she’s clearly too good for any of them. I kind of felt like screaming RUN to that entire sequence.

But, hey, Lorelai found a psychiatrist. Thank God. 

Side note: Taylor trying to get rid of the influx of troubadours in Purgatory. And wait, wait...is that Kim Gordon from Sonic Youth?


Lorelai and the psychiatrist. That was right on time. Somebody needed to tell her to stand up for her damn self in that situation.

Then she goes all “Marry me, Bill” on him, and for once, I’m not mad at her for the freakout. Flat out, Luke did her dirty with the whole daughter situation and she had every right to call him on it. For once, the relationship tanked and it wasn’t her to do it. That was all Luke.

But yoooooo, she ends up on Christopher’s doorstep!  That was a thing, huh?


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