04/18/21 Day Thirty-Two Don't Use Henry Miller for Phone Sex

Okay! New morning new day.

So, Lorelai Sr. tells Emily and Richard her mother Luke and her broke up and nothing happens. And now, Lorelai is obsessing about her mother’s influence on her life. The whole time all I’m thinking why is Lorelai a damned teenager?? I wish I cared about this storyline…

I mean, I do a little. When Michel watched all the little girls come in for tea and he said that they looked like real live Madame Alexander dolls...

I mean, think it’s weird that on a show where Sally Struthers talked about drying her panties an episode ago, we’re just straight-up ignoring the fact that Michel is a gay.

So, Lorelai Sr. takes him to Emily’s cotillion and he’s as giddy as a teenager backstage at a rock concert.

Anyway, Lorelai gets home and Christopher’s there and he’s all we had sex so now I love, love you and it’s awkward and weird. So, then he actually SAYS that he loves her. And at first, I’m thinking, poor stupid man...but then LORELAI SR. CALLS HIM??  FOR WHAT?? WHY THO??

But anyway, Rory thinks that she and Logan and too distant and I just think it’s hilarious that Paris has to tell Rory to have phone sex with Logan and Rory’s all clutch the pearls! Ladies don’t do such things! So she reads Henry Miller novels to learn how to sext…

(I don’t have enough space here to dismantle the wrong in that whole idea.)

So, she sexts him and calls him and he’s like Heeeyyyyy, and she’s like, THIS IS WEIRD and I’m like, girl, live a little, damn!  At least she texts him back...it’s weird that she doesn’t talk do the phone sex outright, but whatever. 

And dumb ass Lane is pregnant and hates sex. She tells dumb ass Zach about the preggers and he freaks out and his brain goes that didn’t happen. Then they talk and decide they hate being pregnant. What a dumb storyline.

I can see this show is going downhill now. At least I’m almost done.


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