04/19/21 Day Thirty-Three - Hello, Chriselai

So, Lorelai Sr. and Chris are dating and all I can say is that I hate this storyline.

I do. I don’t like the Chriselai dynamic. Lorelai Sr. is way more childlike with him. So, Chris takes her for a surprise and the whole time she’s doing the “are we there yet” routine. As a parent, I can’t tell you how irritating that was.

“OMG, this is the surprise. Can I see it now? What about now? How about now? What about now?” I’ve never wanted to strangle anyone so much in my life.

But then, Emily gets pulled over and her white privilege didn’t get her out of being taken to jail. That was awesome. Heh. Emily walking out of the jail all “Well, I NEVER!” Lovely.

Meanwhile, Chris is going to send his daughter to hang with his mother in Paris. That can’t go bad.

Yeah, so Lorelai voices her opinion about it, which is a valid opinion because Chris is an idiot. Chris is all YOU’RE JEALOUS and Lorelai in one of her rare moments of maturity is like, “no...it’s just weird to send a four-year-old to Paris by herself.”

Logalai is still going. Logan shows up out of the blue because he misses Rory, which is great. Screw you guys, I’m rooting for them. Team frickin’ Logalai. Logan is growing up and doing the work thing and actually making an effort to keep his relationship. Not mad at it.

Rory’s gonna screw this up, isn’t she?  I can see it coming. He invites her to his celebration dinner and she’s fine...until the french client and now she’s all insecure.

Let’s take stock here.  Logan came home on business and instead of just coming and going, he spent lots of time with her. He got the account and she was the first person he told. When he took her to dinner - with his clients and coworkers - he introduced her as his girlfriend complete with PDA.

And Rory has the nerve to sit at the table like, “Harpo, who dis woman?”

Yeah, okay, he didn’t mention her, but SO? Seriously, sooooo whhaaattt? 

Rory needs to sit her ass down somewhere.

Side note: Local purgatory demon tried to start a pickle farm and now it smells like a fart in Stars Hollow. I’m hysterically laughing. And also, it should be noted that Ms. “I’m over Luke” avoided the town meeting to avoid Luke. 


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