04/23/21 Day Thirty-Six -- When in doubt, Blame a Lorelai

When last we left you, Luke demanded visitation rights from April's mom. Welp, today, Luke’s cooled off and all like, “Meh, it’ll blow over.”  (laughs in single mother)


News Flash: You can’t show up at your baby mama’s house in the middle of the night and say “I HAVE RIGHTS” and think it’ll just blow over.

April’s mom decides that she doesn’t want April to hang with Luke anymore. Luke goes to a lawyer and finds out firsthand that good, bad, or indifferent, he’s going to have to go through an ugly court battle just to have a little time with his kid.

Okay, so Luke and Lorelai cross paths and Luke has little Doula with him. Lorelai goes all gah-gah over the baby as you do and Christopher comes over looking like, “OH NO! SHE’S BEING NICE TO LUKE!”  Yeah, Christopher, that’s your time ticking away.

So, Christopher does the logical thing: “Hey, let’s have a baby!” *facepalm* Why is he an idiot?

Of course, Lorelai Jr is like, okay, but not now and Christopher’s all pouty and has a tantrum. He’s all “YOU LIKE LUKE BETTER THAN ME.”

It’s so dumb. Like, Christopher. Dumbass. You’re the one that got her. And even though we all know you’re not the one, at the moment, she’s not even looking Luke’s way. What is wrong with you?

Oh, but oh. Then Christopher gets drunk, sees Luke and is like, IMMA KICK HIS ASS! They fight...and then walk away. Okay. Sure. Why not.

Then Emily appears and gives her the worst possible advice. “Give the baby his bottle or you’ll lose him and die alone.” Nice.

Back to Logalai. So Lucy invites them to dinner and Marty shows up like uh...uh...awkward…

Then it gets interesting.

Rory tells Logan, “Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention, Marty’s been acting like he doesn’t know me.”

Logan: “Why would he do that?”

Rory: “I don’t know. He used to like me or something.”

Logan: “So, you like him.”

Rory: (mentally scrolling back for the receipt where she professed her love for Marty) No…

Logan: “Okay. So why didn’t you tell me about him?”

Rory: “I don’t know! Because it’s no big deal.”

Logan: (eats suspiciously)

Side note: Kirk shenanigans with the wrapping paper. Why, tho?

Anyway, Logalai goes to dinner with Marty and Lucy and everything is going great with Marty being all awkward and butthurt at the table. So, Rory is acting awkward because Marty is acting awkward.

And then, Lucy tells the story of how Marty stalked her and that’s how they met. Yeah.

It gets better because Lucy’s like, How’d you guys meet? And Logan answered her. Honestly. Marty introduced them. Lucy gets upset because it IS weird but…

Why are we blaming Rory for all this? Marty the incel was keeping it weird and Logan - as per his personality - called things like he saw them. Not a thing that happened in that equation was Rory’s fault.

You know, I've noticed that the writers have a nasty habit of blaming the Lorelais for stuff that isn't really their fault.


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