04/27/21 Day Thirty-Eight - Filling the Swear Jar

I'm about to say this with my whole chest. Fuck. Christopher.

Let's review.

He bailed on her when her dad was in the hospital, then had the nerve to be jealous when Luke brought her food, and THEN when Lorelai called him on his bullshit, he completely refused to take responsibility for his toddler behavior. “bUt tHe lEtTeR!” Like it’s her fault that he’s a jealous bitchbaby.

And then, AND THEN, the writers decide again to make this all Lorelai’s fault. What is with these writers and their need to psychologically abuse the main character? An episode ago - LESS than an episode ago she was ready to make it work because she loved him and was over Luke and now they’re breaking up because SHE rushed into things too fast???

This is some straight bovine residue, y'all.

Oh, but then, Lorelai Jr. gets all flustered over a cute guy and starts to doubt her relationship with Logan who, well, has been damned near perfect so far and…

Man, I can’t wait to be done with this show.


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