05/05/2021 Day Forty-Two - What's wrong with the Writers?

Okay, Logan and Rory are living with Paris and Doyle (much to Paris’ chagrin). Meh.

Side note: Luke is doing the dad thing. His daughter is becoming less and less nerdy with every episode. Double Meh. We find out that Lane and Zach’s baby’s names are Kwan and Steve. (groan) and Taylor is doing his job as purgatory demon and decided to spend all the budget on a haybale maze that covers the whole town and thereby screwing up everyone’s businesses. 

But purgatory demon didn’t account for his allergies. Heh.

But even weirder, everyone loves the maze?

Anyway, Lorelai gets roped into hosting the Spring Fling festival at the hotel and Rory is coming home with Logan and it’s a big deal like Lorelai Sr. has never met him before. “Oh, my God you’re bringing a BOY home.”

Like...they’ve met and had conversations multiple times and hasn’t he been at their house before? Hey, writers! Maybe watch a few past episodes? Get up to speed before writing a “we get to meet the boy for the first time” episode.

And this episode was kind of all over the place. Like, you know, how when you were a kid and you had a book report to do and you didn’t read the book so you try to stall and bullshit to make it look like you did read it?  That’s what this episode was.

Lorelai’s all judgy about Logan...at this point? Are you serious, rn? The boy blew off his job to be there for YOUR dad when he was in the hospital and you’re still talking about back when he was jumping off shit in college? Look, writers, how do you expect us to pay attention to the plot when you’re not?

She does sound suspiciously like her mother, though and that’s a thing somebody ought to tell her.

And then, out of the blue, Lorelai meets Luke in the maze and takes all the blame for their relationship breaking up, but then, then, Luke actually apologizes for tanking their relationship.

Let me repeat that. LOGAN apologizes for tanking his relationship with Rory. Logan. Was the bigger man. LOGAN.

Yeeeah, and y'all wonder why I'm team Logalai.


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