05/06/21 Day Forty-three - Making up is Hard to Do When You Lie About Your Vasectomy


So we open in this episode with Lorelai and Luke’s awkward theatre as they start talking again. *sigh*

They end up going car shopping cuz the jeep died and she starts driving him crazy and hey, they’re back to the whole Lukelai bickering dynamic we all love. Maybe they will end up together by the end of this. That’s a bright spot I’m looking forward to in this show.

Meanwhile, Paris got into law school, which is great. I mean, she’s never getting out of purgatory anyway. Really. She got into every law school she applied for and has managed to suck the fun out of the process.

Along with my theory that Purgatory is Stars Hollow, I think that some of these characters are bound for redemption while others…

Yo, Paris straight broke up with her boyfriend because she got into six law schools, y’all. I wish there was more to that story, but that’s basically how it shakes out. Having to make the decision about law school led to her questioning her relationship which led to her breaking up with Doyle.

I never say this. I think it’s kind of psycho...but Doyle standing up for himself and saying, “I’m not going”...yeah, that needed to happen.

Anyway, Jackson is staying with Lorelai while the kids have chickenpox and Sookie is convinced he’s going to be an awful person...but he’s not, which leads to the highlight that Sookie and Jackson are having issues. I mean, what do you expect from a man who lied about a vasectomy and didn’t tell the truth about it until his wife was already pregnant?

What kills me is Jackson has the nerve to be indignant about that situation. Dude, you messed up. You’re lucky she’s still with you, cuz, I’d have dropped you like a lead balloon...and maybe even pressed charges while you playin’.


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