05/10/21 Day Forty-Six Let's Wrap this up, already

 So, we are upon the series finale, which opens with Rory meeting her idol, Christiane Amanpour. Good for her.

Lorelai and Rory are planning a cross-country roller coaster tour, which sounds nauseating to me, but whatever, I know that's some people's jam, so I’m not hating on it. Anyway, that goes down the tubes when Rory gets a job on the Barack Obama campaign trail.


Also, the graduation reenactment is canceled...which really upsets the purgatory demons. So, Lorelai tries to do a pretend graduation in Luke’s diner, but that just doesn’t suffice.  I love it how the townspeople love Rory so much that they’re upset that there’s not going to be a party instead of being happy Rory is on her way to her career.

Not to worry, Purgatory demons! Luke decides they should throw the party anyway and starts planning behind their backs, which results in a secret Town Meeting. Taylor, of course, is doing his best to pee on the party planning because he’s Taylor, but the party/reenactment is underway.

I do appreciate the sequences of everybody trying to put the party together without tipping them off. That was fun.

Anyway, Rory’s imposter syndrome is messing with her about this job and she’s upset that her mother isn’t wailing daily about her leaving. She confronts her and of course, her mother makes it clear that she’s NOT okay, but she’s dealing with it. A touching moment.

But oh, wait!  Babette’s ankles are swollen, which means it’s going to rain!  Whatever will they do?

They got a big party tent which they see as they’re driving along. The party goes on even though it’s raining and we all have the warm fuzzies.

Okay, I’ll admit it. It was sweet. Especially when Richard tells Lorelai how proud he is of her for creating a wonderful life for Rory in a place like Purgatory.

Side note: Taylor’s speech, yo. Seriously, wth, dude. 

And Emily keeps bugging Lorelai about her inn until she finally caves and tells her she’s going to keep coming to Friday night dinners.

But then! Sookie spills the beans about Luke planning the party almost single-handedly. Lorelai goes to find him and she thanks him and then...and then...AND THEN…


And after a heartfelt goodbye, we say farewell to Rory as she ventures out into the world and heaven help me, I think I actually want to watch the damned revival. Shoot.


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